The given protocol will hopefully enable the readers to get started on a theoretical approach in understanding LLPS. Nevertheless, limitations and challenges still lie ahead. The main challenge is model accuracy and parameter validation. While the current coarse-grain framework can qualitatively understand and reproduce experimentations, quantitative validation and prediction are still difficult. This is due to the mesoscopic nature and complexity of biomolecular condensates, which remains challenging to date for both bottom-up mapping from atomistic computations, and top-down obtaining from experimental measurements. In this regard, the readers looking for quantitatively accurate models are encouraged to obtain parameters from experimental benchmark results, or match from results of various characterization results, such as Hi-C or NMR data (Zhang and Wolynes
2015). The second limitation is to account for nonequilibrium factors
in vivo. Coarse-grained methods in this protocol are generally oversimplified with only key factors retained, which may well elucidate experiments
in vitro. However, it should be noted that living-cell environments are much more complicated and are far out of equilibrium. where other nonequilibrium factors, besides aforementioned chemical reactions, may be necessary to be included to explain
in vivo phase separation. For instance, intracellular species with ATP exerting forces such as filaments may be regarded as active matters, distinguished as a collection of particles converting chemical energy into mechanical work, and has arisen considerable attention in recent years (Jiang and Hou
2014; Needleman and Dogic
2017; Shelley
2016). Active particles have been found to aggregate even in the absence of attracting forces, and novel phase behaviors are found in polymer systems with active matters (Du
et al. 2019a,
b; Gou
et al. 2021). Introducing such nonequilibrium aspects in the model may help understand some ATP-dependent processes such as the formation of stress granules or nucleoli (Brangwynne
et al. 2011; Kroschwald
et al. 2015). Another important aspect of the complex environment
in vivo would be the crowded cellular medium. Crowding macromolecules have proved to affect the stability and dynamics of protein phase separation significantly (André and Spruijt
2020), and packed medium molecules also introduce evident viscosity to the solution that may highly affect the dynamics of the concerned biomolecules, known as hydrodynamic interactions (Ando and Skolnick
2010). Although beyond the scope of this protocol, we do address these effects as ongoing and future research concerns.