DNA curtains
1 Single-molecule techniques for the study of Cas9 proteins. A DNA curtains. Single-tethered DNA curtains (left). An array of DNA molecules is aligned by a barrier in a lipid bilayer, while laminar flow stretches the molecules away from the barrier. Double-tethered DNA curtains (right). Two ends of a DNA molecule are respectively fixed to the barrier and the anchors (yellow) on the phospholipid bilayer. B smFRET. Schematic of the FRET efficiency as a function of the distance (R) between a pair of dyes for R0 = 50 Å. The donor dye transfers energy to the acceptor dye. The transfer efficiency depends on the distance between the two dyes. C Magnetic tweezers. One end of a double-stranded DNA molecule is usually attached to the glass surface, and the other end is attached to a magnetic bead. The magnetic field can apply force and torque to the magnetic bead, thereby manipulating the DNA molecules. D Optical tweezers. A highly focused laser beam can capture and move microscopic and submicroscopic objects, such as polystyrene beads, thereby manipulating and monitoring the DNA molecule attached to them. Single optical tweezers (left) typically require the ends of a DNA molecule attached to a bead and the coverslip surface. In a dual optical tweezers (right) configuration, two ends of a DNA molecule are attached to two beads manipulated by two traps. E AFM. The tip of the needle fluctuates in the direction perpendicular to the surface of the sample under the action of a constant repulsive force so that information on the surface morphology of the sample can be obtained |
1 Single-molecule approaches applied to investigate each catalytic step of Cas9 |
Cas9 activity | Single-molecule methods |
PAM search | DNA curtains, FRET |
DNA target binding | DNA curtains, FRET, Optical tweezers, AFM |
Protospacer unwinding and R-loop formation | Magnetic tweezers, FRET |
Conformational rearrangement | FRET, AFM |
Dissociation from DNA | DNA curtains, FRET, Optical tweezers |
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer
Magnetic tweezers
Optical tweezers
Atomic force microscopy
PAM search
2 PAM search of SpCas9 revealed by single-molecule studies. A Schematic of the single-tethered DNA curtain for the SpCas9 PAM search assay. SpCas9-gRNA is designed to bind to six DNA target sites. SpCas9 binding sites are detected by DNA stained with YOYO1 (green) and SpCas9 labeled with QDs (magenta). B Schematic, smFRET traces, and histograms of SpCas9 binding to the PAMs at different locations, and the distance between PAMs is adjusted. The histograms show two FRET peaks corresponding to either of the target DNA sites. The high FRET peak remains constant across each histogram, while the low FRET peak moved towards the low FRET value as the distance between the targets increases. Adapted from Sternberg et al. (2014) and Globyte et al. (2019) with permissions |
Stable binding to a DNA target
3 DNA binding of SpCas9 revealed by single-molecule studies. A Schematic and a representative trace of the smFRET assay for the SpCas9 binding target. B Kymograph and time-binned intensity histogram of force-stretched lambda DNA in the presence of 5–50 pN force, and off-target binding occurs once the force is higher than 20 pN. C Schematic of the single-molecule DNA unzipping experiment and the target DNA coordinate definition. Representative trace, disruption force histogram, and ternary interaction position histogram of forward (black) and reverse unzipping (blue) in the presence of SpCas9 bound to the target DNA. Adapted from Singh et al. (2016), Newton et al. (2019), and Zhang et al. (2019) with permissions |
Protospacer DNA unwinding and R-loop formation
4 DNA unwinding and R-loop formation of SpCas9 revealed by single-molecule studies. A Schematic of the magnetic tweezers for the DNA unwinding assay. The inverse cumulative probability distribution of the time required for R-loop formation using different gRNAs. G, GG, and GGG represent the number of additional guanines at the 5’ end of gRNA. B Schematic of the smFRET assay for protospacer DNA unwinding by the SpCas9–gRNA complex. Statistical graph of the protospacer DNA unwinding probability with different numbers of DNA–RNA mismatches for the variety Cas9 mutants. Adapted from Mullally et al. (2020) and Okafor et al. (2019) with permissions |
Conformational rearrangements in SpCas9 domains
5 Conformational rearrangements of SpCas9 revealed by single-molecule studies. A Dynamic HS-AFM images of Cas9/RNA/DNA ternary in the absence of magnesium ions. The statistical graph of the correlation coefficient of each domain over time is shown on the right. The white arrows indicate the HNH domain, while the magenta arrows indicate the dynamic change of the HNH domain. The scale bar is 10 nm. B Schematic of different SpCas9 conformations (based on PDB 4ZT0 and 5F9R) and the smFRET assay for HNH domain dynamics. The steady-state histograms of SpCas9 with different numbers of DNA–RNA mismatches. Adapted from Shibata et al. (2017) and Dagdas et al. (2017) with permissions |
DNA dissociation after cleavage
6 Single-molecule detection of SpCas9 postcatalytic dissociation. A Schematic of the fluorescence observation experiment for the 3’ flap NTS digestion. Representative images of the NTS digestion using SpCas9HNH and SpCas9dHNH before and after the Klenow fragments (the 3’ to 5’ exonuclease). B Schematic of the BLM helicase unwinding initiating from either the upstream (top) or downstream (bottom) side of the PAM. Representative traces show the number of unwound base pairs versus time under a constant force of 12 pN with or without dSpCas9. The histograms show the pause time of the BLM helicase at the expected dSpCas9 binding site. A single exponential fitting is used for these distributions. Adapted from Wang et al. (2021) and Zhang et al. (2019) with permissions |
7 A dynamic model for the interplay between SpCas9 and DNA. The PAM search is carried out through random 3D collision, and 1D diffusion is performed near the PAM in a close region. DNA bubbles and crRNA–DNA complementarity promote the binding of SpCas9–sgRNA to the DNA. DNA binding by SpCas9–sgRNA induces the unwinding of the PAM-proximal protospacer DNA, giving rise to the formation of an RNA–DNA heteroduplex. The R-loop expansion propagates to the PAM-distal region. Driven by the complete formation of the R-loop, the HNH domain is repositioned to the cleavage site and the DNA is cleaved. SpCas9–sgRNA remains bound to the cleaved site wherein the cleaved 3’ flap NTS is first exposed |